Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome

Testosyerone Deficiency Issues

Sometimes a person can feel too tired, stressed or simply distracted by different thoughts to concentrate on sex and enjoy it. Sometimes there is just no drive to have sex.

A desire to have sex rises from a complex set of hormonal and emotional interactions. Testosterone plays a key role for men’s libido, although it is not the single important element. The lack of testosterone can be a serious problem for men and cause IMS (Irritable Male Syndrome). Except low libido, it leads to emotional withdrawal, low motivation, sometimes aggressive behavior and changes in personality. In some cases the lack of testosterone can cause alcoholism or drugs addiction.

This situation happens to many men in their 30s – at least 13.8 million men in the world suffer from testosterone deficiency. These men risk to have diabetes, issues with cardiovascular system, bones fracture.

Symptoms or T-deficiency:

-      Gaining weight

-      Fatigue

-      Loss of muscles

-      Baldness

-      Low libido

To prevent Testosterone deficiency and its consequences, a man can take preventive measures.

Keep himself trim

Obesity kills testosterone. Fat cells contain aromatase, an enzyme that works as a transformer – it converts testosterone into estrogen (female hormone).

Find time to relax and sleep well

Eight hours of sleep is essential for feeling good and active. Even a week of 5 hours of sleep lowers the testosterone level 10-15%. Stress is another thing to avoid, because it is a major driver of T-deficiency. Stress can result in hormone imbalance and decreased production of testosterone. Relaxation or meditation even 10 minutes per day can prevent the decrease of testosterone. Reboot your nervous system with yoga or massage – and enjoy your normal level of hormones.

Eat healthy products

Inflammation also lowers the level of cholesterol. To avoid inflammation a man should consume enough vitamins and healthy products. Fish oil is especially good for men’s health – it prevents inflammation and provides the production of healthy cholesterol – a building material for testosterone. Studies shown that fish oil lowers the level of globulin – binding sex-hormone – so more testosterone within the body is available. Taking more vitamins – especially A and E – and other important micronutrients is good support for immune system.

Spending time in the fresh air is also a good way to protect yourself from hormone imbalance. Vitamin D is important for wellness of male reproductive system. The more time a man spends in the sun – the more vitamin D he gets and more testosterone he produces.

These simple steps can lower the risk of testosterone deficiency and improve the man’s health in general.

Try Sildenafil Citrate 100mg

What does Viagra do? It works as a powerful potency booster. Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg increases blood flow to the penis and help to gain erection quickly. The erection remains strong for as long as a man needs. Depending on the concentration of Sildenafil within the pill, a man can stay hard from 3 to 36 hours.

How To Avoid Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is common for men of older age. It is not a necessary part of aging for every man, but most of them suffer from ED or other forms of sexual dysfunction in their mid-50s. Many men would like to know how to avoid ED. Most of them ask their doctors - are there any prevention measures?

Here are some common advices, which can help to avoid erectile dysfunction or other sexual issues.

1. Take control on what you eat.

Eat healthy food - to protect your heart and improve health – and to prevent the erectile dysfunction progress.

According to recent studies in the USA, a diet prescribed to protect the heart from a stroke, will be also good as a prevention of ED or impotence. In both cases, there is a restricted blood flow in arteries – coronary and within the penis. Obviously, to achieve erection you need a normal blood flow to the organ. Diets in such cases can include a lot of fruits and vegetables, and minimum of fried or fatty food, which decrease blood circulation.

Erectile dysfunction is not a common thing among men that keep Mediterranean diet. This diet based mostly on fruits and vegetables, heart-healthy fats (contained in nuts, olive oil, fish and red wine).

The link between such diet and improved sexual health is an established phenomenon.

2. Control your weight and keep it healthy.

Overweight was never healthy. It can cause many problems – from diabetes to heart attack. ED can arise because of diabetes or it can be a side effect of a stroke.

3. Take control over your blood pressure and cholesterol level.

Both of these can damage your blood vessels – even those within the penis. Naturally, it will lead you to erectile dysfunction eventually.

Ask your doctor to check your blood vessels – for both pressure and cholesterol level. Do it regularly if you are older than 50. If you have any issues with these health aspects, try to treat it as soon as possible. Be aware of hypertension – it can cause arterial damage and erectile dysfunction.

Also consult with your doctor about drugs that normalize blood pressure or cholesterol level – they can have impotence among other side effects. Ask your doctor about potency boosters - Viagra, Cialis, Levitra - is it possible to use them as a prevention method? Read the discription of drugs on the website http://www.pharmatheke-europe.com/en/viagra-generic-buy-online.html and read reviews - perhaps others experience will help you to find some answers.


Some Facts About Psychological Causes of ED

10-20% of cases of ED (erectile dysfunction) have psychological causes. Very often psychological aspect is a secondary reaction to a physical cause of impotence. In rare cases, the psychological causes of sexual disorder can stem from childhood. However, most of ED cases take place in everyday man’s life because of:

  • Stress. It can be caused by different factors – job, money, marital issues, uncertainty, etc.
  • Anxiety. A man, who experienced a failure in bed for just once, can become extremely worried about the problem. A fear that the situation will happen again makes him feel anxious and does not help to achieve erection. In result, a fear of sexual failure leads to erectile dysfunction.
  • A feel of guilty. Sometimes a man can feel guilty if think he does not satisfy his partner. In situation like this, he should have a frank talk with his woman to avoid further problems with potency.
  • Depression. It is the most popular reason of erectile dysfunction in modern society. Depression can influence both body and soul of the individual. Erectile dysfunction is just one of many results of depression. In many cases depression treatment supposes the use of drugs – and some of those drugs can be a cause of impotence by themselves. That is why it is better to treat depression by natural means or therapy.
  • Extremely low self-esteem can also become a reason of sexual weakness. Low self-esteem can be caused by sexual or other problems.
  • Indifference that comes as a natural result of aging and loss of interest towards the partner and sex in general. Relationship issues also can be a cause of indifference and ED.

Eventually any man can face with erectile dysfunction. It does not really matter what is the cause of the problem – physical or psychological. However, when the problem appears persistently, a man should take care of it. Both a man and his partner should find a real cause and start looking for appropriate treatment – whether it is a medication or just therapy.

Physical Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is an inability of a man to achieve a hard and stable erection in process of sexual interaction. It may be caused by physical and psychological reasons.

In this article we will talk about possible physical causes of ED.

To achieve erection a man involves a lot of organs and body systems. It all starts in the brain, which is sending signals through the nerves to the penis via spinal cord. Blood through blod vessels flows to the penis quickly and if everything works well, a man get the desired erection. Issues with one of the steps lead to sexual dysfunction and impotence.

Many diseases or their treatment can lead do erectile dysfunction in one way or another. Other reasons are hard injuries, lifestyle or any other physical factors. Finding the right cause and early treatment provide successful cure in most cases.

Physical causes of ED are:

  • Kidney disease. Kidney are very important for organism and its proper functioning. The disease of kidney will definitely influence your hormones level, blood flow, nervous system and as a result, the erection. Having issues with erection means being exhausted and having low sex drive. Moreover, erectile dysfunction can appear as a side effect from pills, used for treatment of kidney disease.
  • Diabetes. Diabetes of all types are dangerous for your health. It is a chronic disease that damages both your nervous system and blood vessels. As we said above, blood vessels and blood flow are key components for proper erection. If the disease is not under doctor’s control, than with time it will double the risk of sexual dysfunctions development.
  • Nerve and brain disorders. Nervous system plays a vital role in achieving the erection. Issues with nervous system block signals that brain sends to penis and impotence appears. Diseases that lead to such disorders are Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, stroke and multiple sclerosis.
  • Issues with blood vessels. Vascular and cardiovascular systems of the body are important not only for sexual health of men, but for health in general. Slow blood flow may lead to many dangerous diseases and ED is just one of the list.
  • Prostate cancer. This disease does not cause ED itself. But treatment of cancer can result in permanent or temporal erectile dysfunction. These are diseases that can become a physical causes of ED.

Other potential causes are: surgery, injury, problems with hormones, prospermia, nicotine/alcohol/drug addiction, and interaction of drugs used for treatment of other diseases.

Erectile Dysfunction and Personal Life

Man and woman will not have a proper sexual life if man has problems with potency. That does not mean you need to give up on your personal life and relationships with women. Do not allow erectile dysfunction to destroy your happiness!

Lear how to treat ED correctly and get back you active sexual life.

How to swallow the fear and fight the ED?

The first step towards treatment is to beat your fear. Do not get obsessed with erectile dysfunction; do not think about this problem 24/7. Problem with erection usually appears from time to time for most men after 40 and it is a normal situation. Stressful job and unhealthy diet always provide a negative effect on your health. But these issues can be easily overcome. Keep calm, because your psychological condition is as much important as physical state for treatment of ED. Emotional breakdown will only make the situation worse. While in bad with your partner think about beautiful sex and nice emotions rather than about impotence and possible failure. Avoid any kind of discomfort in bed, relax and enjoy foreplay.

Thinking about ED constantly will provoke the lack of confidence. As a result the chance to fail increases and the reduction of sexual desire can appear.

Another useful advice – have a nice dinner and relax before sexual interaction. Do not hide the problem from your partner – share your concerns and ask for support.

Positive thinking and good mood are important factors for success.

But a frank talk will be a great plus. Learn to speak about your problem. Do not be afraid to confess to your partner. It is better than later suffer from unpleasant incident during sex.

It does not mean you have to talk about the problem on the first date. Share your problems with sexual partner you trust. ED can be a temporal problem or can require a long treatment, depending on the type of erectile dysfunction. Any way you will need some support to fight the problem.


To recover from ED fast is possible!

Admit you have a problem and start the treatment. Talk to your partner, keep healthy way of life and talk to your doctor about preferable pills for treatment. You need tablets that are effective, work fast and have a long lasting effect. You can start with Viagra or Cialis – the most popular pills for erectile dysfunction treatment. These drugs are the best potency boosters. If you wan to try something new – look at Kamagra Fizzy Tabs or Valif Oral Jelly. While Cialis works for long time, Kamagra and other similar drugs work faster.

Tablets effect your physical condition but also have a positive psychological effect. When you take a pill, you know that effect will come and automatically relax and enjoy the process.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction and what you should know about it

ED (stands for erectile dysfunction) affects millions of men around the globe every year. According to the statistics of World Institute of Health, half men over 65 years have issues with potency and suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Many people say “impotence” instead of erectile dysfunction. The condition in which man is not able to achieve an erection or maintain it for a time enough for sexual intercourse. Among other symptoms, there are reduced sexual desire and decreased libido.

Unfortunately, the problem is common and touch any man any time. The causes are different:

  • Stress and depression
  • Exhaustion
  • Issues with close people
  • Anxiety
  • Issues with alcohol

If a man can not have an erection for a while (a week or more), it is possible his doctor will diagnose erectile dysfunction.

There are standard ways of treatment – with the help of medications, implants and surgery, vacuum pumps. But before going to the surgeon, many men want to try some natural options for treatment. Natural ways of treatment can also improve the potency and in some cases even cure the erectile dysfunction.


Erectile Dysfunction can be caused not only by age. There are many factors that influence men’s health. To get the erection, a man uses not only his penis, but also brain, muscles, nerves and hormones. If any of these organs or components work incorrectly, the normal functioning of the penis can be blocked.

Causes of ED are:

  • Diseases of heart
  • Diabetes of all types
  • Obesity
  • Sclerosis
  • Smoking
  • Prostate

Persistent use of alcohol also increases the chance to get ED. It is proved by medical studies – 72% of men with alcohol dependence have issues with sexual disorders. The most common issues are ED and premature ejaculation.

See a Doctor or Start a Self-Treatment?

Talking to doctor is important. He will prevent the development of disease, if it is a major problem. In many cases, ED is a signal that you have additional problems with health. Self-treatment may only make it worse. Let’s say you have symptoms of heart disease and erectile dysfunction as well. A professional doctor will recommend you a treatment to improve both heart health and ED. In case other issues with health are not defined, the doctor will prescribe some common treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Medications for ED Treatment

Except common drugs for ED treatment, there are other steps that a man should take in order to improve his health and avoid complete impotence. They are:

  • Changes in life style
  • Workouts
  • Losing weight and eating healthy food
  • Quit smoking
  • Decrease an amount of alcohol intake.

The list of the most popular medications include drugs like Levitra, Cialis and Viagra. There is a variety of drugs similar to Viagra – with different concentration of the active components and effectiveness. Anyone will find something perfect for him.

Viagra alternatives are helpful, and have minor side effects. However, before taking those medications you need to consult your doctor. It is not recommended to take Viagra or other similar pills if you have issues with cardiovascular system or unstable blood pressure.